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Vicky Shahar - Business and Economical consulting

Vicky Shahar - Business and Economical consulting

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Over 20 years of experience as an economist and business consultant in leading businesses towards achieving financial control and higher profits with focus in large international technology, consumer products and retail industries.

Extensive experience in the fields of budget management, projects management, analysis and operational process optimization, and leading self-initiated activities, all at corporate management level.

Marketing and business orientation, good understanding of corporate structure and culture, strong ability to see the big picture while mastering the details, self-motivated and self-learning skills, team player and leader, ability to adapt and manage a wide range of activities.

I work with almost all types of industries, and with all business sizes.
You are more than welcome to contact me.

Our Services

Business and Economical consulting


  • Vicky Shahar
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  • Hebrew, English

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